Frontier Airlines is once again proving that they have no respect for their customers with their new “Covid Recovery” fee. Although Frontier Airlines previously charged a “covid” fee for guests who booked a trip within a “Covid” (30-day) period, the new policy has a much less forgiving rule. The new policy allows for passengers who book a trip within 24 hours of booking to be charged a “Covid Recovery” fee of $150. Frontier’s website describes this fee as being “an industry practice” but it is most likely an attempt to help Frontier Airlines to make more money.

Frontier Airlines is trying to reduce its carbon footprint by charging passengers on flights to the U.S. and Canada a “covid recovery” fee, which is a fee for the carbon dioxide that doesn’t get accounted for in air travel. The idea is that you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by not flying, but you can’t do that while flying. So, Frontier is using its “covid recovery” to compensate for the carbon emissions that it doesn’t count.

Frontier Airlines Charging Passengers A ‘Covid Recovery’ Surcharge

Frontier Airlines charges passengers extra for Covidrecovery

Gary Leff 22. June 2024

Frontier Airlines charges customers an additional fee to retrieve Covid. They say they charge money on top of the cleaning fee. And they say they charge for buying personal protective equipment for employees because it’s your responsibility, not theirs as an employer.

Retrieval costs Covid: Covid’s recovery fees offset the additional costs incurred at the border to implement Covid-19-related actions, such as B. Improved hygiene and cleaning on board aircraft and at airports, checks at ticket counters and in boarding areas, personal protective equipment for staff.

By charging extra for in-flight cleaning, they are telling us that clean planes are not part of their core product. And didn’t we all already pay for the Corona virus when taxpayers lined their pockets with $79 billion in subsidies to U.S. airlines over the past 15 months?

It’s a surcharge, not a tax. By law, the fee must be optional, so there is a way to avoid it. That’s why Frontier and some other airlines sell cheaper tickets at the airport, so they can legally charge online booking fees. The extras are listed as part of the total price, so they probably don’t charge more money for the tickets.

In the early days of the pandemic, Frontier charged social distancing by selling customers a middle seat blocked off next to them at a discounted price. It was a very good deal, and they were convicted for it, albeit z. B. United Airlines has never offered blocked intermediate seats (unless you knew you were buying yourself an extra ticket at full price). When Frontier imposes its services on its customers, they usually say they are doing it for the environment.

Finally, the Covid tax is included in the price of the offered ticket. It’s a different story when comparing hotels, one of which charges extra. From a consumer point of view, surcharges are therefore only relevant if they are added to premium tickets or used to circumvent discount offers (since they generally apply only to fares and not to additional services). However, the idea of a Covid surcharge is anathema, and if the service is not optional, it should just be included in the price.

(HT: Miles To Memories)

Lake View from the Wing

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